Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Arg!! Dieting Stinks!

Hey guys...nothing real deep to say today...I started back on my diet yesterday...this week will be the hardest because I will have to get used to not eating as much and keeping up with everything I eat...fun stuff huh...NO!!! But I am rapidly growing out of my clothes and that is not a good thing!! Especially since camp is right around the corner and I have no idea what I am packing because I can only fit in my jeans. My shorts are so tight, lol. Anyway wish me luck...I am hoping that if I do well with the diet in two weeks I'll be able to fit in my shorts, I could be hoping for too much but we shall see. I did not get to exercise yesterday afterwork but I am shooting for today. We shall see. I definately need God to help me with my motivation and doing it!! I really hate having to always worry about my weight. I have had to deal with it since I was 13...so not fun because I was normal size up until then and then I was the fat kid. Since then I have had more weight that I needed!! Except when I was in high school, my friends and I got on an gym kick and we went to the gym alllllll the time and wow boy...that was the smallest I have been I was a size 8...I want to be a size 8 again...I think I would appreciate it much more this time. I know I did not appreciate it then at all...I still thought I was fat. I was crazy...do we ever get to the point were we are okay with our selves? I am not sure I have met anyone ever in my life that like everything about themselves. Crazy if you think about it...we are sort of trashing what God created...but I know mine is that I am too lazy to stay on a regular diet and exercise plan that is just healthy anyway. Pure laziness...but if you grow up know that exercise is just part of life to keep you healthy and grow up eating like we should then it is no big deal. That is how I want my kids to grow up. I want to get a handle on myself now so that the habits I pass on to my kids are good and they do not have this struggle like I do. I want healthy eating and exercise to be apart of their life so that it is not an issue at all. Well I guess I have rambled on about diet and exercise enough!! I need to get back to work and get lots done today!! Love you all bye!

1 comment:

Tabbie:) said...

You are too fun Danielle...I love ya!! Thanks for the encouragement!! You are great!!