Wednesday, June 29, 2005

God is Awesome!

Hey guys it's Wednesday...hump day...the middle of the week...that means only two more days until a three day awesome is that!!! Woohoo!! I am so going to sleep as much as possible of course...actually I think I have a pretty full weekend planned as usual and then I just found out today that I am going to Huntsville next week...I am going to be working my hiney off doing some inventory...let me tell you this is like doing an inventory on J & J Junk store except the junk happens to come from England and France and stuff and of course some high end patio furniture like Summer Classics...anyway I went to Jen & Jason's and hung out last night...I just love them to death...they are so real and down to earth...its like you can just be who you are and its okay...I love hanging with them...not to mention their awesome kids...they have the most beautiful kids in the world and they are super fun...but we talked until late(I felt bad cause Jason had to get up early this morning) but it was so great...we talked about some really deep things but it was great and I loved it...I am thankful that they moved back here for sure...and they live right down the road from me and that is awesome has been a good day so far...I got all my invoicing done and went to lunch with David and Anita at our new Huddle House in Montevallo...good stuff...though my order wasn't exactly was still good stuff...I am hoping that since we are so close to our goal for this month I wont have to work late and I can get to the church early and have my quiet time in the sanctuary like I was getting before...I enjoyed that sooooo much...we shall see how the afternoon progresses I guess...let me just tell you God is awesome...I am so just not believing where I am at now as compared to where I came from...God is good yall(that sounded country I know-but who cares I just am who I am and who I am is ok!)...I am thankful for where I have come to in my life that I am now okay without having to be dating a guy...though many people dont get that about me because people are constantly trying to set me up(yes I hate that so much!!)...but for the first time in my life I am complete just being me...without a guy, without money, without drugs or alcohol...just me and God...I think it is the most awesome place to be...I am thankful...I did not get here no no...there is no way I could have gotten here without my Lord and Savior I am thankful to my Best All In Future!!! Well I had better go so I can try to stay ahead of the game today and get to church early...Pressing On...Philippians 3:12 "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me."

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Thankful, grateful, humbled

I am thankful...thankful that God is looking out for me instead of me looking out for myself...I am thankful for all He has given me...but today I am most thankful for the family He has brought to me and me to is cool to see how He knew I needed them and they needed is cool to see where I fit and how we help each other to grow...I am thankful that they love me when I am hard to love and when I mess up and when I cant get through my mess to show them I really do love them...I am thankful they never give up on me, no matter how ugly I am or how cold I am...they always welcome me and love me no matter what...I am thankful that I know they will never turn away from me, even when times get hard, we are family, as in if I were born there, it doesnt matter that I wasnt...I am thankful that God is in control and not me or them...I am thankful for the ways God has intertwined us all together...there is not one person in the family that doesnt feel like I am not family not even Mamaw anymore...I know that there are many who dont and wont understand but they dont have already is what it that even goes beyond is started out as ministry but God had a bigger plan than that...I am thankful...I am just thankful...because of them I am able to love my family I was born into more and better...I think we are all learning and growing together and that is so is not always fact it has been some of the hardest learnings and growth of my life...but that is okay too because they love me and support me there...I have never experienced family like this...and because of it I am able to give that kind of love and support to my family and when I get married that family will benefit greatly from the things I have experienced, learned, and the places I have grown...I know that growth would not have come had it not been for this family God has ordained...I am thankful, grateful, and humbled!!! Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God."

Monday, June 27, 2005

on to something...

I have this overwhelming feeling right now...that I am on to something so big...I dont know...its like when you want more of God...and you dont know how to get there...I think I get's like when you are courting or dating and you are scared of what you think the relationship might be or could dont want to let your mind go there becuase its just too good to be true surely this cant be the one surely this cant be it...and when you come to that moment when you are tired of denying you are tired of fighting against it and you just release it and finally go ok this is it this is the one and you open up to that...that is exactly what it is like with God...we think oh no this is too good to be true and we deny and fight against...but its like when you get to that point when you can just release it and open up God can flood your soul like never before...that is what is happening with me...I have been in a courtship with God...and I keep wanting more of Him...but I think how, how do I get there how do I do it...and I have just come to the point where I have just realized this is it...and all I have to do is open the I have this image in my mind of just opeing a door and this beautiful wind comes the Aurua whatever in Alaska in the sky that is what the wind looks like...but its like all it takes is just to stop, release all the questioning, doubting, analyzing, just stop and open that door and let God's beautiful wind flood your soul...I know this all sounds like crazy ramblings but I just got it this just clicked in my brain...I just saw this picture of just finally letting go and opening up and really is that simple, but its so hard for us to do...I just wish I had better words to describe...Psalm 46:10 helps..."Be still, and know that I am God"'s not too good to be is good...IT IS TRUE...He wants to flood our soul with love and healing and He wants us to be whole...He created us to be whole, and sin and this world take piece after piece from doesnt matter what it is that is taking pieces from you He can give back those pieces then some...He has done that in me...I have finally allowed it...I know there is more to come...but I have finally opened up...and it's like a beautiful wind...a wind that brings, LOVE, HEALING, WHOLENESS, JOY BEYOND, AND COMPLETENESS!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Sleep I need real sleep!!

Sleeeeppppp...oh my goodness...I have not been able to sleep good in a while...except for Monday...but I can sleep...I have to take Tylenol PM and I so do not like being dependant on that to help me sleep...aaaaahhhh!!! many things have been going through my head lately...but most of all I am just so enjoying the place I am in with God...I feel different than I ever have before...I am completely sold only down fall is that I have got to make more time to spend in His presence and in His word...I am learning and growing so much though...He has given me so much love for people...all people...I am so excited about it...but I still make mistakes everyday...I hate that...I had to eat crow yesterday but you know what I am cool with that...I was ugly to someone and I went directly and apologized...that is totally new for me...previously I would not have see I said truth but it was the manner in which I said it and the fact that who am I to tell that person that...but previously I would not have apologized I would have given that person looks every time I saw them to drive my point in it was growth for me...I am excited by it...not that eating crow is is humbling, and makes you think twice about doing it anyway I am just super excited about where God has brought me and where He is taking me...I tried the other day to explain to a coworker the promises God has given me...but I dont know if I did a good job of explaining...but she asked "what if you dont get married"...I said, but I will..."how do you know" she said...I said "God told me I would and He's not going to tell me something and not do it"...she was like yeah I guess real quietly...but it was cool because I believe that with all my heart...I do not doubt the things God has told fact I am pretty excited about the promises He has made to me...I cant wait to see them come to pass...He is awesome and He has a plan for my life...I mean incredibly awesome is that...the creator of this universe has a plan for me...I am excited...I know that He wants to use me to minister to all kinds of calling is children and I cry when I think of that, but I know He also wants to use me to minister to people of all ages...anyway words just dont seem to be enough to describe all He is doing and planning and preparing...I feel like my heart could explode though, with love, joy and I want nothing but to minister in any way God wants to use me...I am not struggling here at work really anymore but like I know that on the whole in the grand scheme of things paper pushing is not what its about...its about loving ocassionally like yesterday it is hard to just sit at my desk and "push papers" instead of love people...I definatley had trouble controlling my visiting yesterday...but its okay...I want to love people not push papers...I am just ready to minister full time...I am ready to get up in the morning and focus on how I can minister to others...its like I would so do that here but I have to sit at this stupid desk and do stuff instead...but I like this new position I have becuase I am productive and I feel like I actually earn my paycheck now...anyway so many things going on in me right now...oh and I am so excited about the cruise with my family coming can not wait...I realized yesterday that I am going to experience thing God created for the first time...I have never been to another country, I have never been on a cruise, I have never been on a boat in the ocean, I have never done this or that and I am going to be so excited, and then I realized how happy that is going to make God who created all this beauty for us to enjoy...I can not wait to sit out on the deck and night and just get lost in His sky with my family He has given me, I can not wait to see a new country and see beautiful beaches, to see and endless ocean, I can not wait to dress up for a fancy dinner, I could go on and on but I'll stop...I am just excited and I can not wait for the God time and the family time...I am expecting it to be incredible!!! Well I could write and write today I have so much spilling out but I need to get some work done so I'd better go...lata...pressing on!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Okay so I went home yesterday and went almost straight to bed, let's just say I was snoozing by 8:00pm...which is highly unsual for me...but oh so needed...tonight I was pretty much planning to do the same thing but then I remembered we have Life Prayer at church and I absolutely do not want to miss was pretty incredible last time...what God kept putting on my heart to pray about PT mentioned later that God kept putting that same thing on his heart to pray about and who knows who else God had praying for it too...that was so awesome to me because I didnt understand why I kept praying for that, not that I had to understand...but we sort of had guidelines and it wasnt in the guidelines...anyway it was just too cool...I am excited about it...I love being at church so much...I wish we had it all the time...well today was an alright day...since I had rested it was much better than yesterday...though this morning little things kept distracting me and I thought I was going to be behind but I did not end up being that was great...and this afternoon was slow and I got to just relax some which is unusual for this new position I'm in...the guys are still shipping though but I dont have to work late because the lady that prints invoices left at 5:00 so I can go too...woohoo...I am going to stay a little longer though so I dont have so much to do in the morning...that is going to put my day way behind and tomorrow is my day I leave on time because I am so not missing I think the rest of this week is going to be very busy...but hey I am rested and tonight I'll be spending some awesome time with my Jesus so it's all good...nothing I can't handle...I love when I can just spend time with Jesus...I need to do it soooo much more often...and we didnt have service Sunday night...which makes me so sad, Sunday night services are so awesome...not to mention it is the only service I get becuase I am in Children's Church on Sunday mornings(not a chance of giving that up ever!) and I help teach a STARS class on Wednesday night(not giving that up either!)so Sunday nights are my everything its where I get fed...but its okay...we had some good family time Sunday and had a great time swimming and playing in the pool...I bought my Dad some really great swim trunks cause we are going on a cruise the end of July...they are much louder than he would like but they are perfect for him really...I think they look great and will be just right for the was so much fun getting them for him and watching his face when he got them...bless his heart...he'll have to get used to having a see they havent always had me they sort of adopted me...well they probably would have for real had I not already been over 18 and didnt have my awesome mom...but they are amazing to me and we are family...God just blessed me with two families instead of just one...He's awesome like that...anyway we are going on a crusie to Cozumel the last week of July...I am super excited...I am praying for some really awesome family time...some really meaningful moments...and of course some wonderfully fun moments...I can not wait...I am so excited...will be my first real vacation...I usually only use my vacation for doing ministry which I love but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and I wouldnt miss it for the world...I am still hoping to be able to do all the ministry trips I usually get to do...I will miss the kids crusade to Luverne it is the week I'll be on the cruise and I am so sad about that because I have been waiting to go back there because that was my first ever kids crusade and I have been asking PT about it for a year now...anyway we have Kentucky in September that I am praying that I get to go is a whole week and I am not sure that work is going to let me go...I am sort of running out for time I can take off...but I am hoping beyond hope that somehow I get to go anyway...we shall see...if you read this pray for that...well I guess I am about to get out of here...nothing real deep to chat about right now...I love my Lord and Savior more than anything or anyone...hasta luego!

Monday, June 20, 2005


I think I have found a new level of exhaustion and it's noone's fault but my entire body hurt mind and all from being so tired...I desperately need to rest...I had a jam packed fun weekend though to my detrement...Friday went to the movies, saw Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, it was a great movie, I cried the whole last hour of it I think...Saturday went to Sixflags, rode the Superman, Georgia Scorcher, Batman, & runaway mine train(ouch)...had entirely too much junk, only I didnt get dip n dots...owell less calories...and Sunday did Children's Church that morning and Father's Day lunch and then went and swam for several was an exhausting weekend, especially right after coming back from two weeks of camp and a week of not sleeping I am definately needing to slow down and spend some time resting...I am praying for that this week...I so missed having church last do I hate when we dont have church on Sunday nights...well anyway I really dont have alot to say, it seems like this is nothing but bellyaching...yuck who really wants to read that, lol...there is alot going on but none of it I can share right now...well I had really better get back to work...always lots to do and so little time to do it in...I am thankful for my job though and that I stay busy and it makes my day fly by...hasta luego!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Trust Me - Crystal Lewis

This song always helps me when I want to run or when I am scare of the places God wants me to go or let Him go or scare of the things He wants to do in me...I thought I would share has helped me through some very hard times and helped me to see that I may not understand and I may be scared but God has gone before me and He knows what He is doing and I CAN TRUST HIM...anyway thought I would is by Crystal Lewis.

Close your eyes
Take a step
It's okay, I know where we're going
Don't fret
I've been before
Through these valleys
Down these long and dangerous roads
Yet dark as they seem

Trust me
Though you can't see
You can trust me
The way may be steep
You can trust me
Let me lead
Trust me

Open your eyes
But don't let go of my hand
Let your tears give way to smiles
See the joy inside your trial
Don't worry
You're safe with me around
Rest assured I'm on your side
I won't let you hit the ground
Close as it seems

Trust me
Though you can't see
You can trust me
The way may be steep
You can trust me
Let me lead
Trust me

See I know that what's in front of you isn't always clear
But you must believe it in your heart that I'm here
I am here, oh

Trust me
Though you can't see
You can trust me
The way may be steep
You can trust me
Let me lead
Trust me

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Busy busy!

Work has been busy busy which has been good helps my day go by super fast...I am thankful for that...I am excited about church tonight...I can't wait to get there...I am coming expecting...I am expecting an awesome STARS class tonight...I am looking forward to being with the girls and listening to them and talking to them and sharing Jesus with them...I am just looking forward to it...WOW...I feel like I have grown so much these past two weeks...I am so thankful...I am so excited about what God is doing in me...I am excited that I am finally allowing Him to work in the way He is...I am craving His presence like never before and I love it...I just want to be in His presence worshiping and praising Him all the time...He is AWESOME!!!...I am thankful just so thankful...well I guess no a whole lot to share but I wanted to write some...I can't wait to see the future God has planned for is so exciting to think cool to wonder is hard to stay focused sometimes for thinking about it...but I know that I just want to not let myself get in the way of His plans...I hope I can do that!!...well I guess I had better go and get back to work lots to do...I feel like I will never catch up!!! But that is okay...bye I will see you all tonight...I love you Jesus...oh oh oh wait I have to share something really quick...there was this guy that I knew from highschool that started working here the week before I left to go on vacation which was last week...he used to harrass me all the time in high school...always saying vulgar things, derrogatory things, nasty things, he ran drugs and treats the girls that were with him horribly like something he owned...needless to say I did not like him at all...prolly hated he starts working here and I was out in the warehouse doing my job that I now have to do and I see him staring at me which make me so very uncomfortable...eeewwww...anyway I decided I was going to be nice to him anyway...because in high school I definately was not nice...I have a mouth on me we'll just say that...well anyway he said hi I said hi and then he said something nasty...I bit my lip and just kept about my task...but I told the warehouse manager that I was not going to put up with that and so forth...when I got back to my desk I was shaking because I was very scared of this me it would not be a stretch for him to be violent...well I was told and prayed that it would be handled when I got back from vacation...when I came back I was not scared anymore...because I know that nothing happens without God's approval...but I still was not going to put up with him speaking or treating me with disrespect or any of the other ladies around here...well to make a much longer story he quit...I was so excited because I feel so much better having to go out into the warehouse now...I can go out and know I am not going to be looked at inappropriately or have to worry about anyone saying disgusting things to anyway I wanted to share that...I thank Jesus for him quiting...most definately!!! I am thankful that I didnt not say anything ugly to him...I know he saw the change in me...that is cool to me...I know that people from my past can take one look at me without me even having to talk really and know that I am a changed person...changed for the better...awesome...totally is all in the way I carry myself and the light that shines from is Jesus...ALL Jesus!!! I love that!! Well I will go now for real and get my work done!! With much love!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Being Crushed!

I am taking some time to update because if I keep waiting it wont happen, lol... most know I have been at kids camp for the past two weeks...words can not describe...God's presence is so strong there...watching God move in the children was more than incredible...I know lives were changed...I know chains were broken and hearts were filled...I know that kids experienced His love for them, some for the very first be able to be a part of some so incredible is beyond words for me...I did however come to the realization that not all the adults were there at the camp because they have the passion for kids like I do...I know I was niave for thinking that...PT asked me to be dean of the lodges and through that I learned that alot of the adults are not there for the was a huge understanding for me and one that made me mad almost every day...but I think I did well with the adults and with my attitude for the most part...I know my eyes have been opened so much by it and I learned from it and grew out of was a good experience for me definately...God not only worked incredibly in the children these past two weeks but He worked heavily on me...CRUSHING is what I would call it...I had several different people pray some of the same things over me...things I needed to hear and was incredible...I am thankful I was able to be open to what God wanted to do...I remember one night I just lay down on my face in the floor and I cried off 20 years of hurt, rejection and people walking out on was a cleansing that I am sure God has been trying to do for a long long time now...I needed it...God spoke so much into my life...He spoke to me about my husband, patience, and ministry...I am very excited about the things I fought through and allowed Him to do in me...and I am very excited about the things He promised me...I know that somethings are about to take place and I am beside myself with excitement...I know that I for the first time in my life I desire soley what He wants for me...I have total faith that He has what is best and I hope I can stand here forever...I do not want to settle and I do not want to rush...I am perfectly content to wait on Him...I have such peace right now about my future...the things that were prayed over me aligned with what I have been feeling and it is so amazing when that happens...and it was more than one person who prayed it over me...I mean I have no doubts and I know that the things God told me will come...I am just super excited...I did not want to come back from camp...well let me rephrase that...I wanted to come home and be at my house and in my bed and in my clean space...but I did not want to come back to a secular job...but at the same time I know God has me here for this time for a reason and I am okay here until God brings about the fulltime ministry He has planned for my life...oh wow...I am just so ready and excited...well that is what has been going on in me in a nut shell...seriously a nut shell...thank you to all my wonderful family and friends who pray for me and who love me and who listen to will never know how much you mean to me...I thank God for you all!! Let me tell you if you do not have a relationship with the creator...YOU ARE MISSING OUT...dont miss out any longer...JESUS IS ONLY A PRAYER AWAY...peace out!!

I need to update badly-until I get time here are lyrics to a cool song that came out when I graduated-its has truth in it some parts I disagree with.

The Sunscreen Song

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99
Wear Sunscreen.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be
it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by
scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable
than my own meandering experience…
I will dispense this advice, now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth;
oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded.
But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself, and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before
you and how fabulous you really looked….
You are not as fat as you imagine.

Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as
effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.
The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind;
the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing everyday that scares you


Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don’t waste your time on jealousy;
sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind; the race is long,
and in the end, it’s only with yourself.

Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults;
if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.


Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life…
the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives,
some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don’t.

Get plenty of calcium.

Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone.

Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t,
maybe you’ll have children, maybe you won’t,
maybe you’ll divorce at 40,
maybe you’ll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…
what ever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much
or berate yourself either – your choices are half chance,
so are everybody else’s.
Enjoy your body, use it every way you can,
don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it,
it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own..

Dance…even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them.

Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good.

Be nice to your siblings, their your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go, but with the precious few you should hold on.
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get,
the more you need the people you knew when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard;
live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.


Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander,
you too will get old and when you do you’ll fantasize that when you were young
prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don’t expect anyone else to support you.
Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse;
but you never know when either one might run out.

Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it.
Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal,
wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen…

Thursday, June 02, 2005

I love camp!

Ok it's is the best place on got good food, good fun, and lots of just can't beat that combination...not to mention great people...I have to admit though I am exhausted, pooped, and sleepy as ever...getting up super early to drive to work after staying up super late has a way of wearing you down...but tomorrow is Friday and when 3:50 pm hits my weekend starts and I plan to somehow catch up on my sleep...pray for me there...ha...only an hour and a half left before I get to go back to camp...woohoo...I think I am doing a gorilla tonight too...learned a new dance...was pretty proud of that because I am a horrible dancer...but hey who cares...I let the devil get to me yesterday and shake me I am not letting him today...I dont care if I sound horrible singing tonight, or if I fall flat on my face, or if I dance horibbly, I am going to do it unto the Lord anyway and let Him take care of it...under my feet Satan...I am doing this for Jesus...ha...I hope tonight is as deep as last night at the altar was incredible...and the same group of wonderful girls that hugged on me the night before last night came to me again and we all hugged on each other...I got their names this time...Charmin(yes like the toilet paper-she does the cha cha dance too), Akaysha, Rachel, and Megan...they are the most precious girls ever...I love them so much...they are so sweet and wonderful and were filled with the Spirit last night and it was music to my ears...we had kids still in the altar long after most went to the Rec awesome is that...I love it...God did a work in me last night as well...or at least He is beginning...I know it is not finished yet...only getting started really...kind of scary but here I go anyway...trusting my Lord...not an easy task for me...well guess I need to go and get back to work so I can leave and head to camp...woohoo...I am going the interstate again today cause it was faster even in the rain...I am hoping it will be even faster today...I need a shower to wake me up before service...I am dozing at my desk...I actually went looking for a spot to take a cat nap but could not find one...darn...guess that is for the better...I may not have woke up...well away I go...much love!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A touch from Heaven!!

Oh wow, another great, wonderful, awesome night at camp...I got a touch from heaven!!! We had to cut some things from the outline because a missionary spoke a lot to long but hey it's all good. All we really had to cut was a song and the black light puppets. It was still an incredible service. The gorillas did an excellent job...way to go Katie, Kara, and Mary!! Rabbit was hilarious of course, he was a little tough on PT and his bubble shirts!!! But it was too funny!!! Miss Honey Dew Flower Pot came and she was so funny and sweet!! And clutzik came he is always hilarious with his great, failing experiments...then spiritman and fleshman came, wow...heehee cracks me up to see Daniel in a huge diaper with a passy and Andy with uneven baloons stuffed in his jogging suit!! Ha! It was awesome!! Kellie helped us with the game but we only got to play once!!! On to the best part of all...altar time...oh wow...God allowed me to pray with several kids who asked Jesus into their heart for the very first time...oh wow...I hope I prayed with them correctly...but how awesome is started a brand new life last night!! I mean wow...and then toward the end when we were worshipping they told the kids to find an adult and lay hands on them an pray...oh wow...that was a touch from heaven...I had several girls just surround me and pray for me...and even when others were leaving they were still there with their arms wrapped around me...I was blown away...most of the kids and adults were gone to the rec hall and these girls were standing their with their sweet arms wrapped around me and my arms around them...I dont know if it for their benefit or for mine...but I was hugging them and loving them with everything in me and they were doing the same for it was such a wonderful moment...I am telling you children are the most precious things God ever created!! I can not wait to get back there is killing me having to be here at work...I want to be there cleaning up back stage and getting ready for tonight and hanging with the kids...but I will survive...I have had such a good time with all the workers really has just been the best week...I cant wait to see what tonight brings and inner city camp is this always touches my heart because those kids are hurting and need so much love and I just want to give it to thank you Jesus for allowing me to be apart of tell children of Your awesome love...I am so thankful and humbled...I can not wait until this is my fulltime job!! Well I had better get back to work, lots to do and I want to leave a few minutes earlier than I did yesterday...I am going to try to go interstate to camp today and pray the traffic doesnt put me behind but it took me and hour and 40 minutes to go the back way yesterday...too long, lol...I wish I could just be beamed there...beam me up Scotty J...ha! Camp is so awesome!!!