Monday, October 04, 2010

Weekend Review:

After looking back on my blog posts of previous years I have decided that I like weekend reviews.

I had classes from 7:30 to 9:30
We spent the afternoon running a few errands and then went to do a little bargain/window shopping. It was a sweet afternoon of holding hands and just appreciating the time together. Then I had to be at work by 2:30 and worked until 11:00.
When I got home Hubby had rented a movie that he thought I would like.
We ended up getting distracted by working on my spring class schedule so we started the movie late and I ended up falling asleep. I'm such an old lady.

I had to work from 8:30 to 2:45
Hubby had to work from 12:00 to 4:00 and then again from 6:00 to close (well after midnight). He ended up coming home for a bit between shifts. It was nice to be home together for a bit.
I spend the rest of the day relaxing under my electric blanket. Worked some on my Blind Project paper, watched the BAMA game and watched the move I slept through Friday night.

Had a wonderful time in God's presence at church. Had a very powerful time of communion.
Then home to eat my hubby's amazing chili and watch some football and relax and nap!
My brother came over and spent the whole day with me. It was really really nice to get to spend time with him and get to catch up!!! It was THE PERFECT DAY!! I even got half of my paper written!!!


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