Thursday, June 30, 2011

More Change...

So yesterday Hubby and I decided that I do not have to go back to work. Recently Hubby got a promotion at Old Nave which meant that I had to leave. I was happy to see my awesome Hubby excel and gladly left Old Navy with the expectation of getting another job in the mall at Justice. I even interviewed. But then we began the discussion about me not having to go back to work.

I began to get both excited and nervous. (Here's where I get really transparent). I was excited about the prospect of getting to be at home but I was more nervous about the taking care of the home part. The stipulations of me staying home were of course that I will be responsible for all of the household duties...dishes, laundry, cooking, etc., natrually. I have just never been consistent at keeping those things done and well. Hubby's mom kept a beautiful, pristine house and so I just feel nervous about being a failure at that. Nervous about possibly disappointing not only myself but my husband as well. To be honest I am still nervous about it.

However I have moved on to being thankful for the opportunity to work on it and try and get better and more consistent, especially now before we have children. (Which will not be anytime soon). far so good...I have the laundry caught up, the house cleaned, and several projects done (organizing our shoes in the closet, organizing the computer area).

We will see how this goes. I am hoping that we will not end up in a financial bind with a dirty house and laundry piled to the ceiling.

Wish me luck. And if you know of any seriously easy and yummy meals then send them my way please!!!


Jamie said...

You can do it, girl. Make it your routine and not a chore! And I have a few easy, good recipes that I'll happily pass on to you! Bar-B-Que Cups, Chicken and Dumplings, Meatsa Pasta....

Tabbie:) said...

Thanks Jamie!!! Love your encouragement and can't wait for the recipes!!