Happy Wednesday!
I know that I have officially reached MOM status since this is my day off and I have already cleaned the kitchen, living room and done laundry all before 7:30am and before my boys (Hubby and 2 month old) are even out of bed.
I now sit at my desk with my coffee, computer and the baby monitor writing this!
I never thought I would be able to rise to MOM status. I have never been one to get up early or to keep up with house work, yet I find myself coming home on lunch just to clean the house and getting up early just to get everything done so that I can spend every moment with my little guy on my off day!
MOM status...I use the snot sucker and said that I would pass that job on to my Hubby...and I know that if my lil sweet face got bad enough I would use that nasty Nose Frida (even though I returned the one we received as a shower gift).
MOM status...last weekend I was pooped on TWICE and I didn't even mind. I have been peed on and puked on and I never get to eat when I want or shower often and I DON'T CARE!
MOM status...I lay awake when I should be sleeping thinking about how to best organize lil man's clothes and how I want to change my schedule so that I can be home with him more.
MOM status...I have picked my son's nose.
MOM status...I can change a diaper on my lap in the back seat of the car.
MOM status...I rarely ride in the front passenger seat of the car.
MOM status...I plan everything around my son's eating schedule.
MOM status...when I shop...the first place in the store I go is to the baby section.
So many of these things I feared I would never instinctively do, I was a selfish person before my son because I could be, to some extent.
I feared I would never be the mom that put her child first or kept a clean house...now don't look at my floors or you will see the truth about how clean my house really is ;-) ha look at that MOM joke.
All this to say....I woke up this morning and realized that I can do this and I am doing this...not perfectly but I am doing it. My son is safe and well and happy and my husband and I are in love with him and still in love with each other and find time to spend together.
I am beyond thankful to know that this was in me...I never believed it.
I know I will never be perfect and I will get things wrong A LOT, and that my house may never be fully clean and I may go to work everyday with spit up on my shoulder with my dirty hair in a bun for the 100th day in a row....but ultimately I can do this.
Thank you God for helping me every single day. I give this little boy to You and I thank you for sharing him with me as you share my wonderful husband with me. They are not mine, they are YOURS! Thank you!