Thursday, August 30, 2012

Life these days...

Life these days:

We are both finall well again after Hubby having pnuemonia and me having shingles. We are glad both are behind us!

We have been trying to cut back our schedules to create more rest and no burn out!

We are READY for Football Season! ROLL TIDE!

We are getting to visit with my brother this weekend as he stays with us on his way to Oregon to live! We will miss him tons but hope to visit him at some point!

We are looking forward to JBQ this fall! Getting started next week!

We are experiencing what I believe has been our absolute BEST year of marriage thus far! And we are looking forward to MANY MANY MANY more to come!

We are both sinking into ministry and loving it so very very much!

We have both been so very blessed to make such incredible friends and we are enjoying the comfort and blessings of those relationships!

Life these days is busy but blessed and we are as always so thankful for God's incredible faithfulness and never ending love!

God is GOOD all of the time!

1 comment:

JMBMOMMY said...

So glad life is going great for you!!! I stumbled right out of blogland for so long... but I love to peek back in and see how my favs are doing!