Monday, November 03, 2008

Prayer. For it's all I have today.

Father you see me, my heart, my strengths, and my weaknesses. Thank you for loving me unconditionally even still. Strengthen my weaknesses and give me wisdom, for I know it is a treasure. Father I love you and I want to be all that you created me to be. I know I have much work left for you to do in me. Help me to endure and never give up. I love you with all of my heart. Give me an unwavering faith in you. Help me to see past myself straight to you and you only. Draw me close to you my Lord. Thank you for your words to me today, for your calming peace given to me straight from you. Thank you for being faithful to me when I fail to be faithful to you. Thank you for speaking when I do get around to listening. Father you are the most incredible part of my life. Without you I am nothing and I have nothing. Thank you for all you are Father. Thank you for all you are making me to be. I love you Father. In Jesus' name. Amen

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