Monday, June 20, 2005


I think I have found a new level of exhaustion and it's noone's fault but my entire body hurt mind and all from being so tired...I desperately need to rest...I had a jam packed fun weekend though to my detrement...Friday went to the movies, saw Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, it was a great movie, I cried the whole last hour of it I think...Saturday went to Sixflags, rode the Superman, Georgia Scorcher, Batman, & runaway mine train(ouch)...had entirely too much junk, only I didnt get dip n dots...owell less calories...and Sunday did Children's Church that morning and Father's Day lunch and then went and swam for several was an exhausting weekend, especially right after coming back from two weeks of camp and a week of not sleeping I am definately needing to slow down and spend some time resting...I am praying for that this week...I so missed having church last do I hate when we dont have church on Sunday nights...well anyway I really dont have alot to say, it seems like this is nothing but bellyaching...yuck who really wants to read that, lol...there is alot going on but none of it I can share right now...well I had really better get back to work...always lots to do and so little time to do it in...I am thankful for my job though and that I stay busy and it makes my day fly by...hasta luego!

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