Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day Weekend

~This will be the first Valentine's Day in 7 years that Jesus isn't my only Valentine.

~I could not be more excited by that...excited that I had Jesus as my Valentine for 7 years and my brothers and my dad and loved it. I didn't feel bitter or discontented. I just felt loved and okay.

~I could not be more excited that I have Mr. Wonderful for Valentine's this year either. Because it is God's timing an not my own. And because I know this is God's choosing and not my own.

~I am excited about the Heartsong Banquet tonight and the speaker, to see all the tables, to have my future sister in law there, to have my mom as a memeber of the church instead of just a visitor at the banquet, to see her pouring her heart into this.

~I can't wait to have breakfast with my parents and my brother Saturday morning for Valentine's Day! I really can't wait!

~I can't wait go out on an actual date this year for Valentine's Day with the man that is Beyond my dreams. The man that my Heavenly Father created just for me. The man that God blessed me with. The man that I will spend the rest of my life with.

~I knew that the next person I dated would be the one I spent the rest of my life with.

~That's why I didn't just date, I did't want to just date, anyone can get a date, it wasn't about instant gratification for me. It was about waiting for God's plan, waiting for The One God had planned for me and waiting for His timing. I can't believe that its all finally here!

~I am excited about what I have for Mr. Wonderful for Valentine's Day! Now I just have to find time to get it all together.

~This really is going to be a VERY busy weekend!

~I think there is lots and lots of work to be done.

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

What a sweet post!! And PTL that your mom is a member of the church, how exciting!