Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Well I have to say that today I am feeling much better!...I am so thankful...I got alot done last night at home and that makes me feel better...I have stayed in the Word reading in Galations with a friend and we started praying together...man it is so nice to have someone to do that with...we are being accountability to each other and it really has helped me stay focused...and has inspired me to do more...its great...I am thankful for her definately...I feel so much better when I dont go home and be lazy and just lay around feeling yucky...anyway it seems that there are alot of people who are struggling right now...so I am going to send out a blanket prayer for our church body...Father, I pray a covering of protection over our church body...protect us from the enemy's attacks on our minds, hearts, and bodies...Father, be our strength, motivation, and help us to see the attacks and fight against it...Father I just pray that you would unify us and strengthen us...I pray that we would see and learn the things we need to see and that you would bring healing to this body...Father I thank you...in Jesus name I pray...Amen...phew...I love my heavenly Father...well today has been a funny day...we had a meeting that started at 8:30 this morning to go through our catalog...we have to look at every word and number to make sure it is all correct... there were several strong personalities in there...I was laughing the whole time...I finally was freed a little while ago...wow am I glad...anyway...I just feel sooo much better today...still not feeling as close to God as I had been but I will get back there...well I am going to close with posting some pics that Danielle took with her camera phone Saturday night at the All State Drama thing...enjoy!!

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