Friday, July 08, 2005


Well the crash is here...I knew it would come...I was up far too high for far too long...but it was nice to be there and I will be there again...but now it is time to get through the down...its funny how it doesnt take much to get knocked back down...I guess I got too comfortable up there and let down my guard...boy satan sure took advantage of that one...ouch...but I will make take a little bit though...okay well I am typing this in pieces because of work...I feel a little better now...and I hope I am climbing back up...I hate the devil...I mean really his only purpose is to make us all miserable and the worst part about it is that he is patient and attacks at just the right moment when your guard is down...I guess it all really started last night when I let some doubt creep in...but you know it is all okay...things happened and I recognized it and you know that is good for me...I know this post may not make much sense but I guess it doesnt have to...I just know that God is still good...He is good all the time even when things happen that are not so good...He loves me not matter what...and He is here to catch me when I fall...for that I got it thankful...I truly am know now that I think about it I do feel better, and thinking about God and his goodness helps alot...oh my gosh...whoa...I just went back and read yesterdays post...and the verse at the end of that post totally fits what happened to me today let me reiterate...Ecclesiastes 9:12 "Like a fish caught in a cruel net or birds in a trap, So men and women are caught by accidents evil and sudden."...things happen...but God is still there and still loves us and is still in control...well after all this blabber I might better go and get some work done...I am ready for the weekend to begin...pressing on pressing on!!

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